I am Alex, a Front End Web Developer based in Northampton.

I have a passion for building beautiful, responsive websites that look and feel amazing, no matter the device. Get in touch, let's build something wonderful!

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My Services

As a Front End Web Developer, my primary focus is on the look and feel of a website. I always ensure that the sites I build are stunning, functional and responsive. To that end, there are a number of options for your website depending on the scope and budget of your project.
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Holding Page // Online Billboard

A Holding Page is a great way to save yourself a spot on the internet. Typically featuring just your logo, a tagline and some contact information, a Holding Page is an ideal way to have an online presence without breaking the bank. It's also a great option to have while your main site is being built!
Landing Page Icon

Landing Page // 1-Page Website

A Landing Page is the next step up from a Holding Page. As a single page website, Landing Pages are great for getting more of your business out there without the need for a huge budget. Alternatively, Landing Pages can also be used for larger businesses who want to promote a specific product or run a limited-time offer.
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Wordpress Site // Multi-Page Website

Wordpress is an ideal solution for when you want a beautiful and functional, multi-page website to truly show off your business. Wordpress sites can be built with a bespoke theme, tailored to your brand, needs and requirements. Additionally, the site can be built in a way that will make it easy for you to update the content, long after the project is finished.
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Email Signatures

A well-crafted Email Signature is another great way to improve your online presence and make your communications that much more professional. Built using HTML and tested on a multitude of the most common email clients, the Signatures I build will always look their best.

Get In Touch

Have an idea for a project? Want to get yourself set up online? Have a scathing counter-point to one of my blog posts? Let me know!
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